A perfect meet cute, a handsome military man, a heroine who loves to ride bareback, instant chemistry, what could go wrong? Maybe the fact that he plans to leave and she is engaged to someone else.
Book Description
She’s never been afraid of breaking the rules—until she risks breaking her heart
Constantly stifled by the rules of Society, spirited Rebecca Rowley enjoys finding ways to quietly—or not so quietly—rebel. But riding bareback and avoiding nosy neighbors are nothing compared to the thrilling secret she is keeping from her family.
When Rebecca’s quick thinking saves the life of a young girl, she unwittingly attracts the attention of the child’s dashing brother, Lieutenant Nicholas Avery. As that
attention turns flirtatious, Rebecca is forced to tell him the truth: she is secretly engaged—to the one man her family would never approve of. Fortunately, Lieutenant Avery is a navy man with no wish to marry, or so they both assume as they enter into a friendship. Rebecca hopes to change her family’s mind about her betrothed, but the more she comes to know the handsome lieutenant, the more she wonders if she promised her hand too hastily.
After all her carefully laid plans are shattered during a family crisis, Rebecca must force her heart to decide. Should she stay true to the promise she made or fight for the future she’s only just be
gun to imagine?

My Review
This was a fantastic Romantic comedy and I say that with love. The story was mostly lighthearted and witty and I could hardly classify it as anything else. I could see this one as a movie. R
ebecca is a character with fire. She is secretly engaged to Edward and finds herself befriending Nicholas. It's very Romeo and Juliet meets While You were Sleeping, though the two gentlemen do not know each other.
I thoroughly enjoyed this read. It didn't have the pressures of the London Season which was refreshing. Rebecca had quite the time keeping her secrets and then had a situation on her hands when the secrets came out.
Joanna Barker has weaved a lovely tale that allowed for a true escape and much of the struggle of our heroine was of her own making. Both gentlemen were truly good though my heart only knew one true winner. Rebecca was able to truly know herself and she had to overcome her own obstacles. This was written solely from her perspective which helped me not see as easily who she would choose, though like I said, there was only one choice.
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About the Author

Joanna Barker was born and raised in northern California. She discovered her love for historical fiction after visiting England as an eleven-year-old, and subsequently read every Jane Austen book she could get her hands on. After graduating college with a degree in English, she wo
rked as an acquisitions editor before devoting herself full-time to writing. She enjoys music, chocolate, and reading everything from romance to science fiction. She lives near the mountain and is just a little crazy about her husband and two wild-but-loveable boys.