Why in the world would you want to follow a blog by little old me in Caldwell, Idaho? For me, reading has always been a passion.
With this site, I want to be able to connect you to authors, maybe those that are lesser known, and books, lots of books. I want to be able to share my passion and love with others and maybe, just maybe you will find the information exciting enough to pick up the book and read from these authors that I love so much. I have so many books that I am sure I won't read them all. I will read others multiple times, but I have the books there should I choose that particular escape.
Reading was exciting to me when I was younger with E.B. White being a particular favorite author, who doesn't love Charlotte's Web, but I went further and loved Stuart Little and Trumpet of the Swan. As I matured Scott O'Dell was my go to author starting with Island of the Blue Dolphins and Thunder Rolling in the Mountains. In fifth grade, I found Bridge to Terabithia and Katherine Patterson, Jacob Have I Loved is still a favorite of mine.
Books have been a constant with my mom reading us The Hobbit when I was younger and doing the voices. I still hear "My Precious" in my head the way she read it. The hardest for me was during graduate school when I didn't feel like reading for about three years due to the reading material we were assigned. But now, reading is as necessary for me as air and water. My husband has called books flowers and buys me those instead of roses. They last longer and there is something about the smell and the feel of a new book.
I don't mind waiting rooms as long as I have a book. While my preferred medium is the physical book. I love the kindle app on my phone that lets me have a book wherever I happen to be. The light settings also happen to be easier on my eyes sometimes.
Ultimately I want to share my love of reading. I will add commentary among the reviews, and maybe share a little bit about why I read what I read and what is on my mind. Sometimes share a joke or a meme that brings me joy, because this is what I want to share...Joy.
